Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Snow Day

This is what we woke up to yesterday morning....SNOW! I love the snow. We also watch a lot of accidents this time of year right our our front window. In fact, Monday night we watched a car being towed out of the ditch across the street and the tow truck driver locked his keys inside his truck, blocking 3 lanes of traffic. Not a good thing when you live on Argonne and there are lots of semi-trucks that have a hard time slowing down. Front yard above...back yard below.


kim said...

So glad it's at your house not mine. They close school here for the slightest bit of snow and I hate snow days!!!! I much prefer the kids in school.

Josh n Betsie said...

I MISS SNOW! Can you send me some? Hee hee. I am never going to see it again.

Josh n Betsie said...

I will come visit you sometime. But it probably wont be when it is snowing unless I drive. But who wants to go over the passes with snow? and who wants to fly with 4 kids? So I am pretty much stuck here for a while I think. You will have to come visit me though.