If you didn't make it up to Manito for the lights, then this is what you missed...
I loved that they put lights on everything, including this really cool cactus.
Okay, you probably wouldn't have missed seeing us there. My mom said she looked like crap, so I told her we could look like crap together and take a picture. I look so much worse than she did. I had a sinus thing going on, slept in until 2pm and missed church, oops!
*A note to the Erickson family, my daughter has the 'Erickson lisp'. I took this picture in the middle of her saying cheese, at the 's' part.
we went saturday night and it was PACKED!! we had to walk through in a hurd. cody wondered what we were lined up for. cody especially liked the hairy cactus.
Sounds like Sunday night and just insert Brinley where Cody's name is.
I love to see your faces! tell your mom hi from me!
Also, tell Julie to GET A BLOG. :)
Wow.. I never did go to see the lights at Manito and we really missed out. It was my fav place in the fall, though. cute pics.
ps. I never did get your card.. I will definitely hang it on my new card holders when it comes!
Love your blog Arah.. it's fun, full of new ideas and so inspiring!!
Janet, I will send out another one to you.
You went back. WE went to. I am going to post about it but can't find my camera. Hope it isn't lost. Thanks for recommending it. we loved it.
Love the Erickson lisp... one of Jeremy's boys has it too. So cute.
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