Well, most of you know what's happened from there...We wish you all a hAppY 2008!
The desserts there are really good...
Actually, all of the food there is really good. We didn't get rocky mountain oysters this time around, although, I thought of Randy as I looked at them on the menu.I come from a family of dorks!
Brinley and Cody got a little bored. Julie had brought some markers and things to keep them busy. My dad was kind enough to turn them into cats. After that, we couldn't keep them off the floor...gross!
At least we brought something to exchange that was actually of use.
Brinley and Cody got pj's, as usual. They always open their jammies on Christmas Eve. This year, they coordinated. I swear, these two could be brother and sister. They sure act like they are!
It's interesting to me, that in the short time Olivia was here, we could see her personality. You could just tell that she was going to be very girly. She would love dolls and frilly dresses. Her favorite colors would be pink and purple. She would have been a cuddlebug and probably easy to please...Brinley was quite stubborn as a baby, still is. She loved animals and dinosaurs more than she liked dolls. It's changed some now.
*A note to the Erickson family, my daughter has the 'Erickson lisp'. I took this picture in the middle of her saying cheese, at the 's' part.
Me and Tracy's sister-in-law, I am so horrible with names, and can't remember hers. I am so bad!
Tracy, I'm sure you love this picture. What are you doing with your hair?