Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today is my MIL birthday... she got the greatest gift! 3 new great-grandbabies all born on her birthday.
For those of you that know, Betsie, her twins were born this morning. They are doing fantastic and weighed in at 5 lb. 10 oz. each and were even 5 weeks early! Prayers were answered. Jennidee and Emma are there names. Pictures are posted here.
My SIL, Toni, became a grandma today for the first time. She got a grandson named Samuel Caleb.
That makes me a Great Aunt...yes, I said 10 neices and nephews. Why wouldnt' I feel old. How many 30 year olds can say that?


CrazyMomof7 said...

Awww Congratualtions to Josh, Betsie and the whole family. I have been reading her blog daily to see if she has had them. I am so glad to her that the girls are doing well.

Lisa Farman said...

What a great present! I am happy to hear the babies are all doing fine.