Friday Brinley had a doctor appointment. She is just like a girl, paints her nails before she went to see the doctor. Why is it that we shave our legs, paint our nails, and just look nice for a doctors visit (especially the OB/GYN), but don't do this often enough for our husbands...maybe it's just me.

She has a rash and mollescum warts that won't go away. Finally they give us some steroid cream that is FINALLY working, after trying a billion other remedies. I go to pick up the perscription (some two hour wait) and the lady says that who ever puts the cream on needs to wash their hands immediately after, a little goes along way and don't put a whole bunch on. I'm thinking, should I be touching this stuff, being that i am pregnant and it's supposed to be supplied twice a day? So i put Matt in charge of that. I don't need one more thing to worry about.
Saturday Matt went golfing with his brother and nephews, I spent the day doing nothing. Sunday, however, I got to speak at church. So exciting. I think i did alright. We had a lesson on David Bednar's talk 'Ask in Faith' from the recent Ensign in Relief Society and I did fine until the part toward the end that talks about 'Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done'. I just cried. It hit a little too close to home. There is a girl in our ward that just had a baby and gave him up for adoption. She was crying too, and actually, i did fine until I saw her. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for her. It took a lot of courage to give her child to another family. I've thought about her a lot over the last few weeks. We got a chance to talk for a few minutes after. I can imagine that I've had some of the same feelings she has. Luckily, for her, it's an open adoption, so she gets to see glimpses of his life.
After church, it was nap time and then we picke dup Julie and Cody and went up to Fairmont Cemetery. They have a memorial day concert and hundreds of flags flying everywhere. There were so many people there.

We walked around with the kids and looked at the headstones.

Cody and Julie were getting ready for a bike ride and Cody wouldn't take his helmet off, so he just wore it the rest of the evening.

This statue sits in the middle of all the children's graves. I have a few friends that have their babies buried at this cemetery, so i got a chance to visit them. Thank you to my friends who visited Olivia this weekend. We didn't get a chance to go out that way.

Afterward we went to Artic Circle for ice cream treats...I know, it was Sunday.

Cody spent the night Sunday. Monday we went fishing at Clear Lake. We picked up mom to go with us too. My dad and brother had to work and Julie and Merv wanted to finish some stuff on their house, so it was us, Cody and my mom. The weather was nice, except for a strong breeze.