Saturday, April 26, 2008

Feeling prego

Holy Cow! I am really feeling pregnant. I am sure it's a boy. This pregnancy feels so much different than the last ones. I have these dizzy spells that if I don't lay down, I would probably pass out. This morning i started to have one and i laid down on the couch at about 10:15. Brinley had a soccer game and pictures today so I called my mom to see if she could take Brinley. There was no way i could drive...I woke up at 1:30 this afternoon.
Yesterday I went to take pictures at the hospital again. I have done this three times so far and they have all been a completely different experience for me. This time was a young couple. The mother wasn't feeling movement and and came in. Those sweet parents...that is the hardest part. I know the grief they feel, but we didn't have to deal with it all at once. I just wanted to say "I know what your feeling, I am so sorry you have to go through this", but there is a time and place for that, i it wasn't then. I know where their baby is and she is in good hands, but it's what's left behind that's the hardest.
After getting the pictures ready for them, I could see that their beautiful little girl looked just like her daddy. She was just a perfect little baby.
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to help another family. I have learned so much from Heather, I am impressed with what she has done and she hasn't had a loss herself. She is a tought woman.


Kami said...

I was originally thinking you were going to have a boy, but then I had a dream where you had a girl and were telling me how wrong I was, so now I'm not so sure.

But for some reason, I still think you're going to have a boy. :)

Our family is short on boys.

Your daughter is such a ham, she was fun at the soccer game.

julie said...

glad your feeling better. thanks for coming to bbq with us. :)

Darla said...

Arah! I love you!! I just wish we knew each other better! I want to fly up there solo, without kids, and just follow you and Julie around. I'm happy you're not feeling well. (: I know that sounds weird, but that usually means to pregnancy is going well.

Mary Child said...

I have heard of people who can tell by the way they feel whether they're having one gender or the other. I just felt like puking the entire time, but actually, I was WAY sicker with Gage than I was with the girls...

I'm so glad you're able to have the experience of sharing your photography talents with grieving families who will always treasure the images you're giving them. Arah, you really are an amazing person, and I feel uplifted every time I read your blog. Thanks for sharing.

kim said...

It was always frustrating to not feel well or be so exhausted when you're pregnant. It is so nice you have such great family around to help you.

I don't know how you are so strong to go and take pictures. I would be weeping with the family, and not able to take picures. A lot of help I would be.

Richard said...

Pregnancy agrees with you. You looked beautiful on Sunday, I hope you know that! PC

arah said...

You are sweet Patty! As soon as I can start to feel the baby move, I will hunt you down and let you feel.
You guys need to leave me more comments. I know that practically your whole family reads my blog.

Josh n Betsie said...

im so glad to be home from the hospital and catch up on your blog. I was for sure that olivia was a boy so im not even going to guess this time. Make sure you are eating enough. I always would feel dizzy when I didn't have enough to eat. I hope things continue to go well for you.
love ya

Lisa Farman said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you had a little boy. Then you would have two girls and a boy.

I hope these dizzy spells don't last long they can't be fun.

I think what you are doing for these couples is so wonderful. It can't be easy experiencing that with them after everything you have been through. You are so strong.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I just heard. You are performing a great service for these greiving families. I'm sure they appreciate it. Mom's are wonderful at times like this.

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Congratulations, Arah! I just read your post from a few weeks ago and realized I was behind on the news. We will be praying for you and the baby too!

Cindy said...

You have taken pictures for 3 different families in it seems like less then a couple week. It makes me so sad when I read you have helped another family because it makes me think about how awful it would be to lose a baby. I cry everytime I read when you have helped another family. YOu are amazing to be able to do this for them and not have the emotions of Olivia come flooding back and just lose it. I'm sure you have your days, but you are one strong women. I hope you are feeling well enough for GNO. Hopefully the yuckiness won't last to much longer.

: ) Paula said...

This is big news. YAY! You're in our thoughts and prayers.