Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beautiful baby

I'm not going to have time to blog tomorrow...I am taking photos for a realtor, Brinley has soccer practice, i have to make Brinley a birthday cake for her party on Friday and I have to clean my house...busy day. Since my daughter is asleep, I thought I would blog about an experience I had tonight...

I got a call from Heather (Forget Me Not), who told me that there was a baby down at the hospital that Heather (photographer) was going to be taking pictures of and if I would like to come down to the hospital and shadow her. uhhhh...YES!

I was able to watch Heather, meet a sweet little spirit and get a chance to experience things from a different point of view. I prepared myself before going to the hospital so I did okay. It was quite a somber thing. Heather took lots of photos of the family and the baby while the tubes were still in place. Then, we waited in the hallway while the nurses took the baby off of life support. We went back in just so Heather could take a couple of pictures of the baby without the tubes...they just sat and held their beautiful little baby. i brought back memories of holding Olivia while her little heart stopped beating. It was a really beautiful experience, one I can't quite put into words.

I got to talk to Heather for quite awhile afterwards about technique and camera stuff, and then, about how she deals with taking these photos. I am so surprised at how much public awareness there has been in the past few years about grieving the loss of a child and how much more help and support there finally is. The Forget Me Not program is really in need of a grant and one person, Heather, can't do all the work. This program is amazing and really needs the attention.

In September, there is a MISS conference and the Chapters were asked to donate something to the silent auction. The Spokane Chapter is donating a scrapbook basket... so, all of you living in Spokane and would like to help out a great cause, let me know if you would like to donate any scrapbook supplies. We want this basket to be AWESOME and raise a lot of money. I KNOW what it means to a family.
I really have got to get to bed. Good Night...


Sam said...

I'm certain even digging around my house I can find a few things to donate to the basket. I'll start looking. Love, Sam

PS - You should share your info with Joyce Hawkins over at Huckleberry's.

PPS - The Scrappin store on W. Wellesley is closing their doors by the end of this month (or before they say), so those in Spokane might pick up some bargains here? Or perhaps they might donate what is left of their inventory near the end of the month?

Josh n Betsie said...

i am glad you are able to experience this from a different point of view. I am sure those families really appreciate what is being done for them. I hope you are feeling well and you dont get too stressed out. Happy birthday in a few days to Brinley.

Lisa Farman said...

What an amazing opportunity to share in anothers family's experience and see what it is like from a different point of view. Whatever I can do to help I am happy to. I'll see what I can put together to donate.

kim said...

I don't know how you do it. I am a mess just reading your post. I am glad that this Heather is in your life. She seems to be an angel sent down just for you.

Mary Child said...

Oh my gosh, I so agree with Kim. Your strength is truly amazing. I can't read your entry without tearing up either. I know it must sound lamely cliche, but seriously Arah, you are such an example to so many of us! Of what it means to be strong and faithful and vulnerable and human all at the same time. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your life with us; You have no idea the impact you leave. It is humbling and inspiring in a way I can't seem to find words for.

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