Wednesday, April 30, 2008
cookies and pudding
well, this is Ladies Night...
Linds and I are goobers. Literally, we just can't take a picture without doing something.
This was the last GNO for Marcey, who is moving far, far away to Virginia. We will miss you! Linds and Ashley had to leave early, so they aren't in the pic.
What a fun night! i love having a good laugh! I am usually the one beign laughed at, i think, but all in good fun. 4 of us are preggo, out of 11. That's some high odds.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
i fought the law...
I recall that the police were doing a "traffic safety sting" that day. So the crossings were being triggered by a police officer on a train. When I got pulled over i asked the officer what I had done wrong. He couldn't tell me because he didn't actually see anything happen. GREAT! He was just the ticket distributor. So, I got to thinking, what could I have possible done? If you are familiar with the tracks at Vista and Trent, then you would know that there are two sets of tracks, about 2-3 car lengths apart. As I crossed one set of tracks, the lights started to flash, etc., etc because there was a "train" on the first track. I came up to the second track and the lights were NOT flashing and the guard stayed up. So I crossed. The oncoming traffic's side, however, came down. I am not sure why I received a ticket. My conclusion is that these stupid police officers aren't familiar with the train crossings and they should have known the rules.
I took it to court and I WON! YiPPEE! Okay, they reduced the charge to a non moving violation, meaning it won't affect our insurance, which, I am happy with. It was my word against his, although, I had pictures to prove that I was not at fault.
Arah: 1
Police Officer: 0
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Feeling prego
Yesterday I went to take pictures at the hospital again. I have done this three times so far and they have all been a completely different experience for me. This time was a young couple. The mother wasn't feeling movement and and came in. Those sweet parents...that is the hardest part. I know the grief they feel, but we didn't have to deal with it all at once. I just wanted to say "I know what your feeling, I am so sorry you have to go through this", but there is a time and place for that, i it wasn't then. I know where their baby is and she is in good hands, but it's what's left behind that's the hardest.
After getting the pictures ready for them, I could see that their beautiful little girl looked just like her daddy. She was just a perfect little baby.
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to help another family. I have learned so much from Heather, I am impressed with what she has done and she hasn't had a loss herself. She is a tought woman.
Monday, April 21, 2008
While Matt's away the girls will...
Well, you can't just grind wheat, you have to make something out of it. So we made bread too. I tried a new recipe and i overcooked it. Probably because the book is some 30 years old and I'm sure their ovens weren't as efficient as they are now. Eventhough it was a little dry, it tasted alright. I think I will try another recipe next time.
We then made potato soup for dinner to go with our bread. Why not? It was snowing outside. Luckily, it's not sticking.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
"Arah. Hi it's Heather. Sorry to call you so early. We have a baby at the hospital and they would like some pictures. Would you like to go?"
"Yeah, sure." I say.
"One thing, Heather Evans can't make it today. Are you gonna be alright to do it yourself?"
"Uh. Sure, I'll be there...would 10 o'clock be okay?"
"Yeah, I don't think they are going anywhere."
"Okay, Thanks Heather."
Well, there is one way to get out of saying the prayer in Sacrament Meeting.
I spent the rest of the morning feeling extremely nervous, getting Brinley ready to go to Grandma's house, charging my camera battery, etc., etc.
I get to the hospital. The nurses tell me that the mom just left, so it's just me and the baby... I feel a little more relaxed because I was more worried about the parents than taking pictures of the baby, mostly because you never know the parent reactions, if they want to hold the baby, if they are very emotional, etc.
They take me to this little room called Angel Place. Just me, my camera, and a beautiful little girl. It wasn't at all what I thought. I don't think you can get any closer to heaven, than spending time with a baby, even if it's spirit has already gone. She was so tiny, only 13 inches long and so delicate.
I have to think about these babies as being some one's child, who they love and grieve over. I think it helps that I have been in their position. Sometimes these pictures are all that they have to remember their baby by. It makes me feel good that I can help another family with their grieving. I am always looking to help in anyway I can.
The new issue of NW Women magazine has an article about Forget Me Not. It has one of Olivia's pictures in it, just of our hands. I really hope that it gives the organization the attention it deserves.
I am still collecting scrapbook supplies for the MISS Conference, also, we are trying to raise money so that more parents can go to it. If you have any suggestions for a way to raise a few dollars, please let me know.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
mY LittLe sUnShInE

Birthday Brinley
Lots of kids produce lots of presents. Which she LOVES and wouldn't go anywhere with me without taking a few of them with her...or to bed. Since it is still too cold to be outside, the kids hit the pinata in our basement. This picture is really embarassing. I have way too much stuff still sitting in boxes, i haven't even unpacked half of my framed pictures...I am such a slacker, but...the kids had fun and could not break the dang thing open. What do they make these pinata's out of? I remeber back when I was younger, much younger, that by the time it got to the 3rd or 4th kid, the next ones only got to hit it once just so that everyone got a chance. Fifteen kids hit this thing and not a dent. I finally knocked it's head off.
I love trick candles!
All those kids, eating cake and icecream in my living room.
Opening gifts...loved it!
Thank you to all the kids that came. Brinley loved it and all the gifts!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Beautiful baby
I got a call from Heather (Forget Me Not), who told me that there was a baby down at the hospital that Heather (photographer) was going to be taking pictures of and if I would like to come down to the hospital and shadow her. uhhhh...YES!
I was able to watch Heather, meet a sweet little spirit and get a chance to experience things from a different point of view. I prepared myself before going to the hospital so I did okay. It was quite a somber thing. Heather took lots of photos of the family and the baby while the tubes were still in place. Then, we waited in the hallway while the nurses took the baby off of life support. We went back in just so Heather could take a couple of pictures of the baby without the tubes...they just sat and held their beautiful little baby. i brought back memories of holding Olivia while her little heart stopped beating. It was a really beautiful experience, one I can't quite put into words.
I got to talk to Heather for quite awhile afterwards about technique and camera stuff, and then, about how she deals with taking these photos. I am so surprised at how much public awareness there has been in the past few years about grieving the loss of a child and how much more help and support there finally is. The Forget Me Not program is really in need of a grant and one person, Heather, can't do all the work. This program is amazing and really needs the attention.
In September, there is a MISS conference and the Chapters were asked to donate something to the silent auction. The Spokane Chapter is donating a scrapbook basket... so, all of you living in Spokane and would like to help out a great cause, let me know if you would like to donate any scrapbook supplies. We want this basket to be AWESOME and raise a lot of money. I KNOW what it means to a family.
I really have got to get to bed. Good Night...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
We had the ultrasound this morning, and I walked in there feeling like everything was going to be okay...yesterday, I was sure I was going to have a breakdown. The baby is doing awesome, very wiggley and has a strong heartbeat of 174. They etimated my due date to be November 18th, but that can change as the baby gets bigger, we estimated the 14th, so we aren't far off.
We are a little excited but need to get past 13 weeks. I have about 2-3 weeks left of taking Prometrium, which is getting to be EXPENSIVE when your insurance hasn't kicked in yet.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tomorrow we go in for an ultrasound because I am about 10 weeks pregnant...I am scared. I am scared that they won't find a heartbeat, that there will be something wrong. We have just gone through so much in the past year and I really don't know how much more I can handle. I have been so emotion these past few months. One of the hardest things is that the baby is due 3 days after Olivia's birthday...
It was a surprise pregnancy. I cried when I found was a total shock. I have faith that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and he knows me enough to know what i can handle...but this is really, really hard.
Matt and I would really, really appreciate prayers, even if they are just for our comfort. We have such amazing friends and family who have been through so much with us...I thank you!
Monday, April 14, 2008
soccer game
Thursday, April 10, 2008
very, very sneaky
Brinley's bike
soccer mom

music update
Holiday is one of my all time favorite songs maybe because it's a great song to listen to while driving...i love old skool Madonna.
Cruel Summer is yet another favorite, again, good to listen to in the car.
Summertime its a classic. Gotta love Will Smith.
There are a few other songs I really wanted to post, but then it would really age me and you would all think I am a complete dork. However, if anyone can find me a link to Sir Mix A Lot's Spokane version of Jump on it, I would love you forever. I can't find it anywhere, maybe it was made for the radio station only...sad.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Being sick STINKS!
i'm baaaccckkkk
Monday, April 7, 2008
The trip was a lot of fun. It was good to spend time with my brother's family. When we got back home, I came down with the worst cold/sinus crud. I am still getting over it. Matt was working at the home show all weekend, so Brinley didn't get to do too much of anything, poor kid. I was miserable.
When my computer is functioning again, i will post again...with pictures.