Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas 2010

I also made the girls a huge 4'x4' felt playhouse. I forgot to get any decent pictures of it and will do that sometime this week. It was fun to make and easier than I thought too. The girls love it and it can be taken down easily.
Christmas Eve

This year, I surprised my siblings and dad with finishing my Grandma Dot's quilts...with the help of my mom. (My sister, Corinne and her quilt, are missing from this photo. She was with her kids in Utah and wasn't able to join us for Christmas.)
I really wanted to surprise the WHOLE family, but I knew I couldnt get all the quilts finished in time. My grandmother was a pretty spectacular lady. I'll have to find a picture of my grandparents to post. She made all of her 50 some-odd grandchildren a quilt. They were not all completed, I'm not sure who got finished ones and who got scraps. We got scraps and partially finished tops. I helped her with one when I was about 13. It had the little prairie bonnet girls on it.
Her quilts mean a lot to us. We didn't get much in the way of material things after she died, but have lots of memories of her and my grandpa. Each of the quilt tops we recieved were either completely hand stitched or had some hand stitching done on them. I loved the material she used on some of them. My dad said he recognized some of it from other projects she had done.
I still have mine to finish. That is my project for January...maybe I'll get it done before my birthday :) I hope that each of my cousin's will be able to get their quilt finished or those with finished quilts, realize how much work my grandmother put into them. I would be interested in knowing who didn't recieve a quilt, because it seems that we were sent an extra. I will happily finish it and send it off to a cousin who didn't get one. Please let me know :)

I love days like today. I think I was made to live in the Northwest, summer's are pretty mild and winters can be long and cold :)
I have about 3 other posts to write rather than 1 long post. I don't want my blog to go to pot. I have had many emails from people I don't know who said that my blog has been helpful/a blessing/and inspiring. I want to keep it that way :) I want people to know that there is good that comes from our trials. I want this blog to be real.
I hope 2011 brings inspiration and happiness to me.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
3 years

Melissa and I took our girls on a short trip to Seattle on Thursday night and got back Friday night. It was a needed trip and I have pictures and a post dedicated to it. I have a lot to say about last week, I just haven't had a chance to sit and write about it. So, my goal this week is to get some posts written.
Monday, November 8, 2010

It fits perfectly! These tables were obviously built for the houses of the 50's. We haven't been able to sit as a family at our table since Sarah was born.
One of my plates broke...sad day. I am on the look out for a replacement.
birthday time
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
the little ones

i'm a little bit crazy.
My house is a disaster right now and it has been for a week. I volunteered myself to make the class quilt for the school silent auction...what was I thinking. Making Brinley's Halloween costume, the Halloween parties, volunteering at the hospitals, volunteering at school, the meetings I attend, the callings I have at church and the photography business, and just being a just wasn't enough for me, so why not throw in making a quilt. Actually, I quite enjoyed it. So much that I forgot to get any good photos of it, which means I will have to get photos of it at the school on Friday, before they display it for the auction. :(

We went to the pumpkin patch too. Twice actually. The first day was a bust. Brinley was out of school for Parent Teacher Conferences, but it was rainy and muddy and Sarah fell just as we got out of the car. I had my niece, Chloe, with me also. It's hard to run after a couple of almost two year olds in mud. These pictures are from the second trip.

I'm such a dork.

October 15th is National Pregnancy and Infant Death Awareness Day. We took balloons and apples out to Olivia and Mackenzie. I still need to fix Olivia's headstone. I would like to get it done before the snow falls, which won't be long.
Since Olivia and Mackenzie share a plot, I had a little plaque made for Mackenzie until her headstone is placed.
I didn't realize how small each of the girls spots are. We have plans this Spring for making them look nice. I'll have to get the bulbs planted as soon as possible though.
That night we drove to Coeur d'Alene to release balloons for our babies. We had three. One for our Olivia. One for my great nephew, Christian. One for my great niece, Makenzie.

It was really beautiful and we will be doing it again next year.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
well, heeeellllllloooooo there.
But I do want to keep up on this blog, even with small posts about everyday things. I think I will just recap some of the things we have been doing these past few months.
Half of my family went on the 15 mile Hiawatha Trail. It was a lot of fun and I would like to go again next year. Brinley rode most of the way. She did not like going through the 1.6 mile tunnel (which you go through twice) in the dark with a little flashlight connected to the front of her handle bars, the first time through. On the way back, the second time, she was a pro and was singing "Fly Me to the Moon" with her dad the whole way. Sarah did amazing. Not much of a peep from her the entire trip. She loves bike rides :)

Brinely started 2nd grade. She loves it, but has some focusing problems and comes home with lots of extra homework because she doesn't finish it in class. We give her fish oils and other vitamins, but this year, it just doesn't seem to be doing the job. Any suggestions?
I bought a thermos for her lunches this year too. It was worth the expense and has saved us from sandwiches every day. The girl loves soup and leftover pasta.
The week school started, so did the fair. I was a little disappointed this year. The attendance was WAY down. They usually have a kids free/ adults half price day, but not this year. The homemade/ handmade parts of the fair are my favorite. The photography, quilts, cakes, jams, sewing, etc. I lOVE it. The animals too.

I got to go three times this year. Once with all the family, once with Matt to see a Clint Black concert and a third with Brinley and her school. By the time I got home from the field trip, I couldn't walk. I was out for a week, with three trips to the chiropractor. I hate back pain. It was hard to lay on the couch and not be able to work on things. It drove me nuts. I had lists going through my head of all the stuff that needed to get done, stuff that had deadlines. AHHH.
We decorated for Fall/Halloween a week early. I couldn't help myself. It's my favorite time of year. Now if the Fall weather would return... A week of 80 degrees is not what I like to see. I love 65 degrees, where I can wear hoodies and jackets and drink hot cocoa in the morning. (starbucks brought back their salted caramel hot cocoa...yay!)
The leaves are just starting to fall from the 10 trees we have in our yard. I'm still waiting on the maples leaves to change color.
Matt got our fence finished. It only took him six months :) The gates aren't done yet, but I'm super happy that I have a fenced yard. Sarah is quick and now I don't have to worry as much about where she is.
We bought a chicken coop. I still need to seal the wood. We have decided to wait until Spring to buy the chickens. We are excited to have fresh eggs.
Sarah is a wonderful artist. She likes to show off her work on our walls, Brinley's dresser, her arms, legs and stomach. She is quite a talker now too. My favorite thing...when she walk into the kitchen and points to a cupboard and says 'No canny, no no canny. no" She knows where the stash of candy is for sunday school class and always wants a piece. I always tell her no. She also says:
bye everybody,
baba (grandma),
i go out tide?
binney (brinley)
big gurl
shoosh (shoes)
biaper (diaper)
gabba gabba? (yo gabba gabba)
bunkey (monkey)
da-dee (daddy)
mom, momma , mommy, mom, mom, mom, momma, mom, mooomeeee!!!!!!!
Brinley loves to be at home, jumping on the trampoline, hanging with her mom, playing with her sister. She does not like doing homework, going to bed or brushing her hair.
We took Sarah to the dentist, she had three cavities. She isn't two yet. Brinley has no cavities and perfectly spaced teeth. Lucky girl.
I have been nuts. HA! Our photography business has taken off. We had 4 shoots this week. We have 5 weddings booked already for next Summer. Family pictures are now the season. I have been trying to keep up on everything around the house, including all the yard work. I talked to a class of high school kids about Olivia yesterday. My niece, Cindy, invited me and is fundraising for memory making things for families who's babies die. Her brother just went through losing their daughter a month ago. I also am helping once a week in Brinley's class. I love helping at the school. Tuesdays are crazy. I have meetings every Tuesday. So does Matt. I have to drag my girls to half of them. It is not fun.
Matt works. all. the. time. I see him for a bit at night, but Tuesdays and Thurdays he has meetings, those nights are crazy for me. He has decided that he loves to golf and I allow him to go every Saturday morning. I say 'allow' lovingly... he feels guilty most of the time. I think everyone needs a break from a crazy life :)
Sundays are the only day that Matt doesn't work. It's filled with church and sometimes a photo shoot. It is not a day I get to completely enjoy. Truthfully, I don't look forward to Sunday. Matt and I both teach a Sunday school class. Sarah isn't a fan of nursery and so I am usually wrangling her so that we can teach and then wandering the hallway so that she can get wiggles out. Church is from 1-4, which is right during nap time. I can't wait for the time to change in January to 9-12, however, i dread 9am church and like the 11am time better :) It seems like church has been hit and miss a bit lately, my back was out one weekend, sick kids, being out of town, etc. We try to go faithfully, eventhough I feel like I get nothing out of it, Brinley needs to be there and Sarah needs to learn to sit still. I'm sure that this is just one of those season's in a mother's life.
That's it for now. My crazy life. Filled with lots.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
relying on Him
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
book report. by Brinley

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mt. Spokane