Monday, March 12, 2012
the sparrow
marching on
it's been a while. I am not giving up on this blog, but I've been trying to figure out what directions I should go with it. I really want to keep it updated with my little family but at the same time, I really want it to have a purpose. I started this blog because of my daughter, Olivia... *i just spent a few minutes reading old blog posts from 2007. I needed a good cry. I really can't believe how much I have aged in the past 4 years, gads! Anywho, the more I've thought about it, the more I want to help other families. There are a lot of my experiences that I cannot share on my blog. They are not mine to share. I will just say, that I have been busy volunteering at the local hospitals. Although, there is one amazing thing happening with Forget Me Not, but I want to share it in it's own post :) tomorrow. with pictures.
Tonight while cruising the net, I finally came upon a blog that I had forgotten the name of and was kicking myself for not putting it in my reader a long time ago. It made me so happy to come across it tonight. It's called Teeny Tears. I think I had mentioned it before. This amazing mama, Megan, took my diaper patterns and started an awesome blog. It just amazes me at what she has done with a little idea I had and made it her own project to make sure parents are able to dress their tiny little babies in something that actually fits them. I am so very glad that I was able to help some one in their healing, and that they can go on to help in so many others healing. One person can make such a difference!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
July: my sister and I shot alot of weddings this month and then headed down to Seaside, Oregon for a big family reunion for a few days. It was nice to see so much family and chat till the wee hours of the morning with cousins we hadn't seen it years.

August: we had more weddings to shoot along with some family sessions. Business has been good to us.
At the beginning of the summer, Brinley and I had made a list of all the things we wanted to do. We got the most of them done in August.

we decided to make one for fall and also for winter. It's a great idea for busy kids who think they have to have something to do every minute of the day.
we got our first egg from our chickens. it was egg-citing...ha, I couldn't help myself. We love our little chicken pets. Sarah calls them 'chicka babies'. They follow us around our yard and are really fun to watch.
we also celebrated my niece's birthday by riding horses and having a hotdog dinner at my sister's house.

September: a few more weddings to shoot.
Brinley started 3rd grade.

she loves it!

we had our first field trip this last week. It was the easiest field trip I have ever been on as a parent. We watched the kids and chatted about the school and parenting. We ate lunch with the kids and parents got to talk some more in the afternoon. I chatted with Brinley's teacher for most of the afternoon. I really like her and I think she will be great for Brinley.
October, it seems, is going to be a little less nuts. I love fall and am excited for the change of weather. I've started on Brinley's halloween costume. I hope it comes together as I imagined it. Sarah wants to be a surprise.
I hope to update more often now that our wedding season has ended. I miss taking pics of my kids and the things we have been doing. I'll get right on that :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
july 13
Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
summer list 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011
not meant to be

I am proud of my girl and how much she has grown. She is such a sweetheart and a huge help around the house and with Sarah, who follows her around like a shadow.
Sunday, June 5, 2011

As many times as we had been to the Oregon coast, my sister, Julie, had never been to the Tillamook Cheese Factory, so we stopped by there on the way back to Portland. Did you there is a tiny little place called Idiotville in Oregon? It was on the map, but we couldn't find it. We really wanted to take a picture of the sign.
We drove up to my cousin Jordan's house that night and said hello then headed up to my brother's house in Duvall. I drove home the next morning with my girls and my sister stayed to run a half marathon. she's nuts! I was tired, I can't imagine how tired she must have been... I'm not sure how we are going to beat this trip next year. Any ideas?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011