Monday, July 21, 2008

it happens in 3's...

Saturday I spent the day photographing a wedding. It was lots of fun, they were pretty laid back, but it was so HOT outside, I thought I was going to melt. I would post pictures, but we'll get to that in a minute.
Saturday night, Matt and I got a date. Brinley went to her Aunt Lori's house, where she fished in the pond and saw horses and got to play with her cousin Mandy, who is about 10 years older than Brinley. We got to eat at Outback Steakhouse and then got to see "The Dark Night", which was great, except for Batmans drove me NUTS... and a bit of cheesy dialogue at the end.
When we got home, the battery cable on our computer pooped out, so no computer and no pictures. Great!
Sunday night we went to some friends house, the Nelson's, and had Rootbeer floats, played NERTS and watched Hairspray. They are so much fun! Brinley got a ride in a wagon behind a riding lawnmower. She loved it! As we were leaving, we noticed the front tire was flat. There is a screw in it. We filled it up and got home, but now I am without a van for today and tomorrow. oh, but that's not all...
Today while helping Brinley clean her room, I bent over to pick up a toy and my back went out, yet again. It's not too fun when your pregnant (you Erickson cousin's can probably remember what it was like for me at the family reunion 5 years ago when it happened). My sweet mother drove me to the Chiropractor today.
what an eventfull weekend we've had...I'm in pain, I have no computer access, and I have no car.


The Cobabes said...

Not fun! Things totally happen in 3's. Hope your back starts feeling better soon. That happened to me a few weeks ago and I had to walk around wearing a back brace over for week. Not exactly fashionable :) I'll remember you in my prayers tonight.

The Cobabes said...

THis is actually Shevaun, I forgot that I was logged into Carmels account...hehe...

dippyrooroo said...

Oh man! What a pain!

Becky said...

How hard . . . I can't imaging having all of those things go bad at once- that is my life! If we lived in town I'd have Jon help you. He is really good at the Osteopathic Manipulations (kink of like what a chiroprachter does, but a bit different- and as a D.O. he also has a medical degree and can prescribe meds). It REALLY helped when my back went out a few years back. I hope you feel better soon and get your car and computer back!

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Let me know if you need anything. We got a flat 3 weeks ago the morning we had to leave for our family reunion. It was also a screw in the tire. Dave ended up just getting new tires, because the tread on ours was all the way worn down and splitting. I can only imagine what would've happened had we taken it on a 7 hour drive. Yikes!!
If you need to go somewhere let me know I can take ya or if you need a day of rest I can take Brinley. Kaitlyn would just love that. She's so tired of the boys in our neighborhood. One little boy across the street choked her yesterday and she doesn't like him at all today!
Hope your back get better!!
:) Tiff

Rocia said...

lame arah. however, i do LOVE nerts! we really need to plan another reunion soon! maybe my sisters and i need to fly up and 'plan' one with you guys soon. or just hit up thrift stores and garage sales together.

Darla said...

we saw the Dark Night last night and his voice drives me crazy, as well! What's up with that?? Sorry about the bad luck, Arah!

Mary Child said...

Things DO happen in 3's... Sorry about your back. Hope it's healed soon!

NNA said...

Hi, I found your blog post through a search for “Nertz”. It is cool to see others that know about the game. I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to let you know about, the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information there and you can also find out how to play Nertz online there. I hope you will check it out. Feel free to join and also let your friends and family know. Thanks