Thursday, November 29, 2007
Enter Website.
Click on "Our Work".
At the top of the page you will see "image gallery". click on it.
Olivia's picture is there along with many other children. You can read shortened versions of their stories.
Christmas Crafts

Movie Review
Now, if your an adult and want to see a good movie, Dan in real life is great. I recommend this one. I love the soundtrack too (Hint, Hint Matt). You'll laugh and feel sorry for this guy. It's a pretty clean movie overall. A Romantic-Comedy that even your husband will like. Matt picked it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Snow Day
Monday, November 26, 2007
Your address please
Thanksgiving Weekend
Matt watching some TV. I think just about every picture I got of him, he was sitting here.
I love puzzles and just about every holiday we bust one out and I finished it, with a little help.
We made button trees. Julie found these on Ali Edwards blog ( If you like to scrapbook or craft, you will love her blog. It kept the kids busy all day long! Please excuse my daughter in her underwear, she doesn't like to wear pants.
Since my mom was cooking, I finished hers. They take forever to do, but they turned out really cute. My sister, Julie, below.
Kami brought her Wii Guitar. Merv was rockin' out to some great tunes...
Friday: Black Friday. Every year my mom and sisters, Becca and Julie, get up at the butt-crack of dawn to go shopping. I didn't really need anything since I had already shopped and wrapped most of my Christmas gifts this year...but it's tradition. So at 4 am I was up and going. Julie, who instigates this tradition, didn't even get out of bed until about 10:30am, even after 10 phone calls to get her going.
It was also Matt's birthday. I am a horrible wife and didn't get him anything. I couldn't really think of anything to get him. That is sad. We are going to go out tonight to celebrate, so hopefully that will make up for it.
Every year we also make it over to Coeur d'Alene for the annual parade, fireworks and lighting of the resort. The parade isn't that great so this year we just went for the fireworks. It was about 25 degrees outside and you have to walk about 1 mile to get down to where the festivities take place...with 4 kids in tow. It will be on Good Morning America Wednesday at about 7:30am if anyone is interested in watching. They actually will light fireworks 3:30-4am. I don't think I will be there this time.
This is usually the day I decorate my house for Christmas. So Brinley and I set up our tree and pulled out the ornaments and decorations. For some reason, it just made me really sad...I kept thinking of all the memories I had with Brinley at Christmas time and realized that I won't have those with Olivia. So, I didn't decorate this year like I have in the past...there will be no lights on the outside of my house, I just don't have the energy to do it.
Sunday: Finally...a day of rest. We went to church, as usual. We were a little usual. When we sat down I looked at the program and noticed it was about Thanksgiving. Right away, I began to think about what I would say if I was called up to bear my testimony. Well sure enough, our dear, sweet Bishop noticed we had a few extra minutes after the talks and my name was called. Matt said I was composed and did a great job, but I really don't remember half of what I said. I am just glad I was prepared.
So today, Monday, starts a whole new week. One where there isn't a holiday and there isn't family is in town. One where I have to keep myself busy. So, I went to visit Olivia's grave while Brinley was in school, and had a good cry and great conversation with her. This spring we are going to plant grass and clean up her plot. She has lots of deer come visit. They like her flowers. I think I might take some apples up there next time. I figure that's the least I can do when they keep my little girl company.
We are expecting snow tonight, 2-4 inches. I will believe it when I see it...the weather people here aren't very accurate. Brinley is excited and wants to go sledding immediately! We'll see...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Birthday to my dear Husband...
And since I am on birthdays...Happy Birthday to my sister, Kami, who's birthday was yesterday and to my sister-in-law, Becca, who's birthday is tomorrow. And Happy Birthday to so, so many of my family and Matt's that have a birthday in November ( I think there is something like 11?).
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My list of thanks
My little family: Matt, Brinley and Olivia...for all that they have taught me. Matt, for being such a wonderful, hard working, sincere, big bear of a husband. I know that we were meant to be together. Brinley, I couldn't get through my days without you. You are my little Sunshine. You tell the best jokes and you tell me at least twenty times a day that you "surely love me."
Olivia, because I truly have a testimony of the gospel now. I have no doubt that I will see you again. You have made me want to be a better person...mother and wife.
My family: When I say family, I mean everyone I am related to (including the Kunz side). I can't even begin to tell you how supportive and and helpful you have been through the pregnancy and birth and everything that has come since. I don't know where to start with all mean so much to me and all that you have done for me has been amazing. Julie, for taking Brinley so many times that I am sure she needs her own room there. My parents, for your amazing talents in building and sewing and for loving me so much. Matt's parents, for putting up with us living upstairs and for being patient with me on my bad days. Ami, for letting Matt hang out with you and for making us a lot of bread, among other things. All of those who don't live too close, I know you prayed for our family and put our names on so many prayer rolls, that meant so much to us. We know that you love us.
Friends: For all the prayers and love and support...and meals. For wanting to help when I couldn't think of anything for you to do. For helping with Brinley. For GNO's. For having blogs that I could read. For letting me borrow books and puzzles. For knowing that if I needed to call you at 2 in the morning, you wouldn't mind. Karen, for taking pictures, having long talks about our children, and having such an awesome family that is so talented.
Doctors, Nurses, Counselors, Etc.: For being so compassionate. For helping us get through such a hard experience. For knowing what was wrong. For answering so many questions. Heather Roberts, for having such a wonderful program that gave us so much to remember Olivia by and for being there at her birth, the timing couldn't have been better. Your an amazing friend. To Sarah and Sara, for giving me some understanding to my feelings and being able to know what I have to deal with in the next year. Heather Evans, for taking incredible photos of our baby. To Dr. Barrong, who knew what he was doing, for being sympathetic and kind. I will refer people to you!
The Gospel: For knowing that I have an eternal family. For knowing my Heavenly Father loves me. For knowing that Christ gave his life for me so that I can see Olivia again. For being able to teach my daughter about Jesus and seeing her be so excited about "Hamly Foam Evening" (Family Home Evening). For not doubting that Olivia's life had a purpose and was meant to be short with us here on earth and that she is with her Great-Grandparents, her cousin Christian, her friend Sierra and so many others in heaven.
Baths: Need I say more...okay, because of those days where I needed to have time to myself and I locked the bathroom door and I could relax and watch Olivia move and feel like I got to know her a little bit better.
Waterproof Mascara: because I cry...a lot. 'Nuff said.
Millwood School: For Brinley's teachers, Kathy, Jill, Diane, etc., because you have been so good to her. She loves you guys! For teaching Brinley all those new songs and letting her paint and helping her with numbers and letters. For understanding our situation and having a place for her to have fun when I am not so much.
Babies: For those that are pregnant or just had a baby, I am thankful that your babies are healthy. That your pregnancies were/are without difficulty. That you can hold your child close. That you can't sleep at night because they are hungry or need a change, not because you miss them so much. I am thankful you don't have to go through what I am going through...
And so many other things...I just can't write about everything and everyone. Please know that every one of you are on my list of thanks!
I love you all!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Olivia's funeral

Olivia's dress

Friday, November 16, 2007
Olivia's Box
The reason this post is called Olivia's box is because that is what we want Brinley to know it by. She knows that Olivia's box is what we put things in to remember her by. We didn't want her to question that if her body is in the box, how can she be in heaven.
Yesterday we dressed our sweet baby Olivia. She looked beautiful...
My sisters, Corinne and Julie, Matt's sister Ami and our Moms were there with us. My friend, Karen's aunt made the most beautiful dress, hat and booties that couldn't have fit her better. My mom made her a little dolly to snuggle with (she made all of her grandchildren these dolls). Another friend, Kim Whalen, made each of us girls a bracelet so that we all have something to connect us, so Olivia has hers on her right wrist because thats the side I wear mine on. She has a little ceramic heart that that goes in the center of one that I have. Matt's mom made a sweet little blanket. And my Dad had a little brass plaque made for geaneology reasons, in case we need to move her something someday.
I thought it was going to be really, really hard to see her that way, but I know it wasn't Olivia lying there, just her body and she is with her Father in heaven. I think that because I was able to dress her and hold her one more time, the funeral won't be so hard on me. Oh, I know I will cry, but I have so much to be thankful for...especially the time we got to spend with her.
I will have to write a whole posting on who to thank. We have been truly blessed with having wonderful people around us to help with so many things.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Olivia's Funeral
Please know that all are welcome. We know that so many of you have grieved with us and we would like to share our sweet baby with you.
From Sullivan: North to Trent, go left to Evergreen, north on Evergreen, through the stop sign and the chapel will be on your right.
From Pines: North to Trent, go right to Evergreen, north on Evergreen, through the stop sign and the chapel is on the right.
From Bigelow Gulch: Take Bigelow Gulch East until you can't go any further. Take a right and follw the road to the Chapel on your left.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Olivia Kamille Kunz

We were able to have her in our room the entire time , give her a bath and dress her.

Her funeral will be held this Friday, Nov. 16th at 10am at the Foothills chapel.
I will post more throughout the week.