Our little family is completely infatuated with this little girl. She is amazing. The delivery went well. Sarah had a rough start...her shoulder got stuck and she had to have some oxygen to get her lungs going...but is happy and content and, overall, a pretty mellow baby.
Brinley has been the best big helper and just won't leave her side. She is doing GREAT and hasn't yet felt left out, although, her aunt Julie said she was a bit emotional about everything while staying at her house.
I will post more later today.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments that everyone left us. We are so greatful for the friends and family we have.
It's the the picture of a complete little family! (Except that you are not in it) :( I still can't figure out who she looks like--she looks so much like Brinley and Olivia, and yet Nothing like them at all. It's so strange. She is so pretty! just adorable! I am so happy for you guys!!! Get some much needed sleep--I'll be patiently waiting more posts. ;)
Love you guys!!!
Congratulations again!!!!
--Ashleigh says hi to brinley and she told me that Brinley got the little sister that she wanted...she said, maybe Heavenly father made a mistake and we were supposed to have a little sister too?!?
She is beautiful! Congratulations. We wish we could come smooch on her, hopefully sometime sooner rather than later. The Thomson girls are always saying how we wished we lived closer to you girls. Especially when you have the cutest little babies. I am so jealous of her hair. We love you!
ALL THAT HAIR! Lucky girl! How do you think she compares to the 3-D images you had taken in ultrasound? I'm kind of thinking maybe she looks like Daddy??? Time will tell...babies change so much in the beginning.
I'm very very happy for you and thrilled that momma and baby are healthy!
I'm so glad to hear that both Mamma and baby are doing well. Enjoy these moments w/her.
I am right there w/you with the no sleep, except my reason is because this little girl eats so often.
Sarah is so beautiful. Vince wants a daughter named Sarah someday.
Gorgeous! She's a good mix of Brinley and Olivia. Her hair is so dark. I am so glad everything went well. Do you need dinner this week or do you have tons of leftovers. I'd be happy to whip something up, just let me know.
:) Tiff
Congratulations Arah, as everyone else has said, she's a real beauty. Love all that dark hair! Hope you get the rest you need, I bet that's nice to have Brinley as a helper, my girls were so helpful with Deacon, it was so nice to let them keep an eye so I could get in a shower or hold him while I made dinner.
I love all the beautiful photos too.
I just can't believe how dark her hair is. She is a sweety. Got to love the newborn schedule sleep all day, up all night!! I love the nighttime with my newborns even though I'm suppose to be sleeping because it's just me and the baby. ENJOY!! They grow way to fast
Sarah is the most adorable baby! Arah, we are so happy for you and Matt. She looks alot like Brinley except with a ton of hair. I wish I could have been there to welcome her into the world. I just want to get my hands on her and kiss her all over. I guess you'll have to do that for me. I love you sis and am so happy you and Sarah are dong so well. (sorry about the night of no sleep). Tell Brinley her Aunt Corinne loves her to much!
Love Corinne
she is beautiful. I wish I could be there to hold her. I hope you post a TON of pictures ALL the time
Congratulations!! I'm so happy she's healthy and happy. She's adorable.
Congratulations... Sarah is absolutely precious. I'm so happy for your family. I hope to be able to see all of you soon. You know I thought about Olivia today before I even knew it was her birthday. Her sweet spirit radiates from her pictures. I really love to read what you write about her... she is so lucky to have a family that loves her so much.
Oh Arah!She is so beautiful and I am so incredibly happy for you and this precious miracle! I hope you can get enough sleep and recover well! Love you and your beautiful girls!
She is so beautiful. I just want to kiss you chubby little cheeks.
What a beautiful girl. Great photos. Congratulations!
What a beautiful family you have. I love your blogs Arah they are beautiful. Have you ever thought about writing a book? Get some sleep momma. Luv ya Selina
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