Sarah totally scored! I get to have a belly cast done, thanks to Pam, and Brinley even got a few gifts, a doll, she named Megan after a friend from school, and a little friend from her church class, Ethan, gave her some jelly bracelets and lip gloss, which she wore to school for picture day.
I want to thank everybody for everything! Julie and Pam for all the hard work they did. It was perfect. I loved everything about it. Thank you Pam for letting us crash your house. and everyone who could make it the the baby shower, it really meant a lot to me for you be there. I feel very loved. and those who couldn't make it, I know that you would have liked to have come, I feel loved by you too. if I forgot you on the invite list, it was not intentional, I tried to include everyone and I have preggo brain.
All day, yesterday, I wasn't sure how I was going to react to this baby shower. Its been kinda bittersweet, something hard to explain because I feel that it wasn't something I got to experience with Olivia. Maybe it sounds weird, but I felt like that it should have been Olivia that was supposed to get all this new stuff and Sarah to get the hand-me-downs. Maybe that is why I haven't wanted to buy anything for so long. Now it's just getting to were it's a need-to get it.
I REALLY am excited about having Sarah here. I think that her birth will be just as emotional for me as Olivia's. I think it will be a little bit surreal for us to have her here, to think that we will actually have another baby in the house, a baby that is healthy, that will cry and poop and be hungry. A baby I get to bring home...not have to hand over to the Chaplain to take to the morgue. Another sweet little girl to add to our family.
Sarah is hanging out with the rabbits.
Cody and Brinley LOVED the bees, they thought bees were hilarious and just wouldn't stop laughing at them. Cody even found the queen bee.
Cody pointed out all the rides he didn't want to go on.
These kids had so much fun together, even with all the fighting and whining.
We got home Sunday afternoon and visited with all of the Kunz family that came into town for Matt's newphew, David and Lucy's wedding this coming weekend.
Along with some target practice. Those Kunz girls sure love their guns. I think I would have joined them, except that I really didn't feel like it.
Lori also found a little snake that Brinley became obsessed with. She wasn't so sure about it until she finally touched it and then wouldn't quit touching it. But, she wouldn't touch it.