Monday, August 4, 2008

another sweet baby

After taking photos at Sacred Heart last week, I was sure that I was going to be called again this weekend and I did, just before we hopped in the car and headed off to camp with family. I felt so bad saying that I couldn't be there, but you can only do what you can.
Today, I had a feeling I should call Heather Roberts down at Sacred Heart Hospital just to see how the weekend went and if anybody else was available to take photos for the family on Thursday. Instead, I got a call from her, tonight, to see if I could get down to Sacred Heart as soon as I could to take photos for another family. (I tell ya, they come in bunches. I hadn't done pictures in quite some time, and then it just hits. I am pretty sure I have another one in the next few days too.)
This family was so sweet. Like us, they had found out early on that their baby wasn't going to live. She was a beautiful little girl, with full lips and lots of hair. The family was doing really well. The parents of the mother lost a child to PKD about 20 years ago, so they had experience to help their daughter through this. I haven't physically ran into anyone else who has lost a child with PKD. It was interesting to talk to them about how things have changed and what doctors know now compared to then...but back to the family. They have a lot of support, which is great to see, and really had a perspective on how things are...things happen in your life and you do the best you can. There was nothing they could do to prevent it. The mother had a good attitude overall and just felt like things happen for a reason and that we grow and learn and are able to share our experiences and teach others. AMEN to that!
As for Heather Roberts, what an AMAZING woman! She was on shift at 7pm Saturday night, got off at 3pm this afternoon and came back to "work" after her sons baseball game so that she could be with this family. She was still there at 11pm and wasn't even close to finishing up things. She works so hard and does so much for the Forget Me Not Program on her own time. She didn't get paid to be there tonight. I always want to do more, but since I am not an employee of the hospital, I can only get word out there about the program...they are looking for a grant so that they can expand and help more families...anyone? anyone?
I love being able to help these families in some way. It's a privilege to be let into their lives, for a few hours, at such a difficult and painful time. And when I say that we grow and learn and are able to share our experiences and teach others, never did I think that I would be doing it in the way that I am, nor did I think I would have this opportunity had it not been for my sweet little baby Olivia.


Karen said...

These families are truly blessed to have you Arah...Your work is beautiful and the spirit you bring to them is a gift in its self...

julie said...

this is sweet arah... did you save the picture brinley drew of you pregnant with the 2 babies? you should post it on here. :)

arah said...

Julie, I think mom still has it in the trailer. I love that picture.

Anonymous said...

Okay so I am not the only one blogging late at night. I think you are just so amazing Arah! You've got a lot of courage taking pictures of these sweet babies. There are so many parents these days going losing babies and children. It's so hard to hear about, but has inspired me to help. Check out my blog to hear about my cousins daughter with MLD.

:) Tiff

Lisa Farman said...

Olivia's short life has brought so many blessings to so many people. Because of what you went through you have gotten the opportunity to share your talents and your story with so many more who will be blessed because of Olivia. I'm sure your story has touched so many more than you will ever know. I know that being a part of your life and having had the opportunity to see just a small glimmer of Olivia's life my life has changed for the better. Because of Olivia's story my testimony has grown so much and I have been able to understand the deaths of those in my family. Thank you for being strong enough to share your story with me and so many others.

Hetzlers said... are amazing...I always thought you were a really wonderful person way back in singles ward, and I see you have found your mission in life blessing these families in pain. You have been through so much! Brinley is a doll- I haven't seen her since she was only a few months old! You're pictures are gorgeous- I want to be that talented someday! I pray your current pregnacy goes well!
