I LOVE Zumba.
If you haven't tried it, you must. It is so. much. fun! I have been going twice a week for the past 6 months and in the past few weeks, I've bumped it up to 4 times a week, with swimming, weights and cardio on the other days, except Sunday. Sunday I take a break. It's given me tons of energy and I really miss it when I can't go. The classes have been as large as 75-80 people. It's awesome. There is even a 91 year old in the class.
My only problem is that I sweat horribly. It's disgusting. My friend I go with is also a sweat-er. Her birthday was on Sunday, so I made her a little gift. 
I've decided that there aren't any cute sweat bands out there, so I made my own. Way cuter. We used them last night, they were awesome!
I did a little tweaking to make them better and waalaa...
I took a bunch into the class this morning.
They were a hit.
I made them in different colors. They collect the sweat. They don't slide. YAY!!!
And used a nice plush terry cloth for the inside.
I'm making more. LOTS MORE!
People are buying them from me.
Who would have thought there was a market for sweat bands...