Monday, October 6, 2008

when I was a kid...

It's funny when you marry someone not too much older than you, but enough that you grew up in a "different time".
Matt and I were talking about the VCR this morning, I remember when we got one. We were living in Winnemucca, Nevada. I may have been 5 or 6. My parents had rented a copy of Michael Jackson's Thriller and I remember watching it and learning the dance. I was telling Matt about it, like he would have had VCR too. His comment "uh, I didn't grow up with a VCR. I was a teenager when my parents first got one." I laughed. It made him feel really old.
Isn't it weird to think that we didn't have what kids have now...cell phones, internet, debit cards, digital cameras, etc.


birdeeb said...

Haha that is crazy! Yeah today at work this lady was telling us that her daughter wanted a cell phone for her birthday & my co-worker said she was so against getting cell phones for kids...I would have to agree. I wonder what will be next... ;o) Oh yeah it's called blu ray! ugh! haha ;o) Now we have to convert our obsolete DVDs to Blu Ray :o(.
hey I tagged you on my blog ;o).

CrazyMomof7 said...

I didn't grow up with a microwave. We didn't have one until I was a teenager. I can't imagine now. Also things like call waiting and caller id. Our kids don't know how good they have

Hope said...

What's funny is our parents probably said the same thing about *US*! "Those obnoxious kids and their Walk-Mans" or "Those sloppy kids with their oversized t-shirts clipped up on one side with those chunky plastic clips"


P.S. I have memories of what a treat it was for my parents to pay $5 to RENT a VCR from the Video Store along with our videos! And remember how the "tape holder" part "popped" up & out of the machine? So HIGH-TECH!

Marnie said...

I remember getting our VCR with the Wizard of Oz. I was four. Andrea and I loved to pretend we were the flying creepy monkeys.

kim said...

Kevin and I have conversations like that all the time. One would think that 6 1/2 years isn't all that much but sometimes it's like a whole generation! He wore bell bottoms because he chose to, I wore them because I was dressed in them. And the music--way different.

Stephani said...

Seriously, it is crazy how quickly technology changes and is popped's funny because yeah, my kids already think it's funny to picture not having cell phones, like being stranded in a room by a phone with a long curly cord that only works if it's hooked to the wall is so funny and ancient...who'd of ever thought we'd be pushed to feel so old so quick huh?