Wednesday, July 28, 2010

book report. by Brinley

To get Brinley to read more this Summer, I am giving her a chance to write book reports on my blog. She thinks it's cool and went and grabbed the first book she could find: She got this book for free from her teacher last year. It's a super easy read for a 7 year old.
This is what she has to tell us about it:
' Well, it's about a dog that does the opposite that anybody in the family tells him except his owner, the boy. One day he ran all the way to the park and everybody calls his name but he won't come. The boy called his name and he comes to him. Buddy loves the boy. The end.'
Brinley gives this book a 10... ' because it's very funny and easy to read. I like the pictures too.'
Brinley has a TON of books, so I am hoping she will learn to love books as much as I do.

happiness is...

getting flowers from grubby little hands.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mt. Spokane

We took a drive up to Mt. Spokane Sunday. I haven't been up there for years. The girls LOVED running around and collecting rocks and flowers...well, I think Sarah just loved being free to run and do whatever she pleased.
This is what Sarah looks like 90% of the time:dirty face. messy hair. happy.Brinley fould a few more rocks to add to her collection. She has found so many heart shaped rocks (like the onle in my header), it's awesome. All of them have been found in our yard except one, I think I've got 6-7 now. I LOVE these photos!!! The one above is awesome! The one below I took just before getting a family shot of the 4 of us, but it didn't turn out. I was there, here's a photo to prove it.


I braided sarah's hair for the first time today. I could have braided it ages ago, but the kid doesn't sit still for very long. She does know that when I do her hair, it no longer hangs in her face and once in a while she will bring me a barrett and say "eehhhh" which means about a million and three things right now. It is so cute, and she started giggling and feeling her hair when I finished.
She is quite the cuddly baby and LOVES her daddy. When he leaves for work, she follows him to the door, gives him a kiss and stands at the window saying "bye, daddy", while waving her adorable little hand. She sure is a happy little things...busy, but happy.