I can't believe my beautiful little 6 year old is now 7!
Last Saturday I had a little party for her, well, I thought it was going to be little because I wasn't expecting all but 2 of the girls in her class not to come, plus the extra friends that we've had for years. It was me and 11 girls...aaahhhh! Not ONE parent stayed, but that's okay.
Actually, they were really good.
This is the invite I sent out, with the obvious address and phone number missing, of course.

She wanted a Space themed party. She REALLY, REALLY wanted a Spaceneedle cake, but I wasn't about to come up with that one. I did, however, come up with the most horrid looking cake ever. I don't recommend trying to put a cake together at 1am. It did not turn out as I had envisioned.

This ugly cake was supposed to look like the moon sitting in outer space with a Brinley Astronaut on top of it.

I bought some black food coloring to make black frosting, but it never got home with me, so I had to improvise with chocolate...it turned out really sad. Then the stars looked like snowflakes. And yes, that is a Buzz Lightyear with apicture of Brinley's face taped on it...I am white trash for sure.
Space suits are expensive for 11 girls, so I came up with glow in the dark alien masks...the glow in the dark part is coming up. When they all got to the house, they got to make a mask.

Here, Brinley is saying, "I come in peace and mean you no harm." She's a nut.
I spent most of Friday afternoon and evening making the basement look like space. THANK YOU, THANK YOU Karen, for cutting out all the stars and planets on your little machine...what a time saver. I draped all of the walls in black table cloths, cung a black light on the wall, decorated with white paper stars and neon planets, then hung white streamers from the ceiling. Then, I hung some white poster board on the wall and let the girls draw with highlighters...which eventually ended up on themselves, because then they would glow in the dark.

I wish I could have taken a better picture of this room. It really was cool. Want to see what highlighters do?...

Awesome, huh!
The weather ended up being amazing, so after playing in the basement forever, we went outside and they took turns 'flying to the moon' on the rope swing. My arms were worn out. We ate pizza and had cake and ice cream too. Then opened gifts. Brinley said it was the "best birthday party ever".
Mama scored some brownie points for sure!
Today at school, Brinley got to be line leader and answer questions from the class and got to wear a crown.

At the end of the day, I brought some cupcakes for the class. They sang 'Happy Birthday" and she got to pass the cupcakes out. She requested the same ones as last year, rainbow.

Sarah claps after anyone sings. She got to sit at Brinley's desk while the class sang to Brinley.

My Brinley-girl, I LOVE YOU! You fit just perfectly into our family. Your an awesome big sister and a huge help to your Momma. You are smart and amazing and your teacher at school thinks your pretty special too.
So here are a few things about you:
you hate dolls
you LOVE stuffed animals
you like littlest pet shop
your favorite food is Spaghetti
you haven't lost any teeth yet
you love to swing
you are the best big sister
your favorite color this week is green
you really, really want a pet...not happening
you think asparagus is disgusting, but I secretly catch you eating it
you think that baths are the best thing ever
you love to stay home because you get to wear your pajamas
I could go on and on...but we are headed out to Olive Garden, her choice, to celebrate some more.