It's just now Halloween day and I have had enough. Thursday we had trunk or treat at the church. I made the backdrop for photos and decoration.
I'm guessing it was a hit. I did not realize how large it actually was. Something like 10 feet tall. Brinley is a funny girl. As soon as she puts on her costume, she strikes a superhero (or super model) pose. So when I take her picture she gets into character.
This is a bunch of her friends from church.

At the trunk or treat, I tied with john McCain for silliest costume.
I thought I looked stupid. Brinley tested it out for me...can you guess what I was?
I am such a dork... I was a detective, but
I ended up looking like Gene Shalit, without the bowtie.
Yesterday was nuts!!! Brinley's entire school went roller skating, while a bunch of parents and teachers helped decorate and set up for the Carnival last night. I donated the backdrop to the school and they used it for the photo booth. When the kids got back to the school, Brinley's class had a Halloween party and they watched Wall-e. A lot of sugar went into those kids yesterday. During the party my mom showed up, unexpectedly, as a witch and brought the kids a treat. No one could figure out who she was. It was awesome!!! Even the office ladies and principal loved it, she gave them treats too. I forgot to get pictures, so we headed over to my parents after school got out to get a few photos.
Sarah thought she was funny. At first, she wasn't sure what to think of her.
Brinley told me she knew it was Gramma the whole time, because she recognized her voice...and her famous cackle, she had heard it before.
Grandma Lana aslo stopped by Cody's school. They have such an awesome Grandma!!!

My mom dressed as a witch even way back when I was in Kindergarten. She would read a story and then hand out a treat. I remember only 1 kid getting scared, ever. It's an awesome tradition!!!
I asked Brinley if she wanted to trick or treat tonight, she said no. It might be a quiet evening for us, thank goodness. I am Halloweened out this year.