Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas day.
did this.
Since most of the family had other things going on Christmas Eve, we had the Erickson celebration Christmas Day.

Monday, December 29, 2008
i was a winner.
The coolest part is that it's handmade. I love handmade stuff, there is just something about it that makes it a little bit more special.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mel for picking me!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
pretty hair
My little baby has so much hair that I can put it in a ponytail...
oh, and can you guess what I got for Christmas?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
let it snow
We have more snow coming today, and not just a little, supposedly 6-10 inches on top of the 30 inches already on the ground. Doesn't that sound fantastic? I love the snow, but this is ridiculous, or in my Grandmother's words..."re-dic-lus". With the temperatures in the single digits and below zero with the wind's just grand.
Brinley has been singing lots of Christmas songs and catches us off guard when she starts to belt out the tunes in the car. Her favorite lately is The Twelve Days of Christmas but with "2 humming birds" instead of turtle doves.

Sarah is sleeping better. She is still a sweet and content baby. She doesn't think much of the snow, she's always covered up and doesn't get to see much of it. Brinley loves to wake her up so that she can hold her for, oh, 5 seconds. That is always fun for me. Luckily, this kid takes it well and doesn't get too upset.
Matt was crazy and opened the CricKetnstore through all of the first snow storm (the one that dumped 24 inches in our yard), while most of Spokane was shut down. He's a diehard. It paid off for us though. His customers love him and that makes it worth it. It will be nice to have him for an extra day this week.
I'll try to be better about posting.
Hope you all have a fun and wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
little things
Monday, December 15, 2008
chloe lana
wants and wishes

SB-800 AF Speedlight
Bare Minerals Makeup

just to name a few.
Friday, December 12, 2008

There is another little baby that was just buried by Olivia. I will visit her and bring apples for her too.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
happy, happy, happy
Saturday, December 6, 2008
on another note, I am back to volunteering again. Matt stayed with the girls last night while I was at the hospital photographing a sweet little baby. Sarah was good for her tired Daddy, I just pumped a bottle for her and she was happy...SO OPPOSITE of Brinley.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
the button tree craft
As for the pom poms, for the garland, the dollar store is the cheapest place I've found.
Have fun crafting!
my girls.
pom pom garland
Friday, November 28, 2008
what did we do for Thanksgiving, you ask?
Thanksgiving morning I was feeling much, much better and Sarah even let me get a little sleep through the night.

We also spent a good chunk of time going through ads for early morning shopping. That's right, we are some of those crazy people that get up at 4am to go shopping with the 8 million other crazy people just to get a good deal. And I took Sarah with me...she was perfect and I bundled her up for the 23 degree weather. I actually ran into quite a few new babies with their moms while shopping. I say" If your going to be up with the baby at 4am anyway, why not go shopping."
When we got home, it started to snow and has been snowing all was perfect for the start of the Christmas season. I got my Christmas decorations out and will work on the outdoor lights tomorrow. Since Matt had to work today, we are going to wait til tonight to decorate the tree. It should be fun.
thank you Merv for watching all the kids so that Julie, Brian and Becca and I could go shopping. And sorry, Julie, for giving you the flu...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
sleep deprived
Our lawn is free of leaves.
Brinley did not want me to take her picture, but I wanted to show you her loveley outfit that she picked out herself. My personal favorite thing about this particular outfit, the skeleton gloves.